the graphics wasn't the greatest but the fluent motion between frames more then made up for it and the fx made it prime
good work and hope to see more from you
the graphics wasn't the greatest but the fluent motion between frames more then made up for it and the fx made it prime
good work and hope to see more from you
Thanks and doooooooon't worry, I still have more to upload!
four years for this O_o'
i dunno if it took four years i think it would have been in better quality then this
we tried real hard yo
what the fuck just happend
i think i shit a brick O_o this was way creepy i was expecting funny and perverted but nothing like this F'N awesome man
Thankyou very much!
that was just ridiculously awesome how mario axed the hammer throwers in the head haha
One-shot, haha! Thanks, I am glad you like my crazy humour. =)
hey everyone this is Dro i'm a very busy non accomplishing person ^_^ i also explore the world of music and i came here to share my music with you, you and you. maybe not you but defiantly you
Age 36, Male
slacker/workingma n
some high school
Joined on 1/29/10