not bad
good job again s-t
not bad
good job again s-t
Thank you very much, this one is my best so far!
since the artwork and motion is nice and smooth with some nice squiggle vision
despite being short this is decent
but i can't really give you a 5 since it's just a loop but hows a 2
cmon, its worth atleast a 3
i was just washing my plate at the sink and was thinking when your next of episode of vete a la verse would be coming out and to my ultimate surprise HERE IT IS!
this was nice can't wait for more
whats better then cute lil bunnies cutting each other apart NOTHING!
would love to see the madness team hook up with you guys to make a game of this
well hey
in my last reveiw of your stick figure flash i was hopeing to see more from you and i got my wish
short and fluent plus the robot you made looks kick ass retro-bots rule
Thank you! and you will see lots more! Just wait, and yeah robots are a win!
the graphics wasn't the greatest but the fluent motion between frames more then made up for it and the fx made it prime
good work and hope to see more from you
Thanks and doooooooon't worry, I still have more to upload!
not bad
the animation was nice and the mouth movement was synced up nice
hey everyone this is Dro i'm a very busy non accomplishing person ^_^ i also explore the world of music and i came here to share my music with you, you and you. maybe not you but defiantly you
Age 36, Male
slacker/workingma n
some high school
Joined on 1/29/10